Recent comedy find from my aunt: The Singhsons, behold as even america's favorite TV family is outsourced/offshored/taken away and done cheaper by brown people.

Popish playlist
  • Bare Naked Ladies- One Week
  • Len- Steal my SUnshine
  • Blind Melon- No rain
  • Blur- Song 2
  • New Radicals- You get what you give
  • Imperial Teen- Yoo Hoo
  • Republica- Ready to go
  • Blues Traveler- But Anyway
  • Dave Matthews Band- What would you say
  • Elvis Costello -Pump it Up
  • U2- Elevation
  • Smash Mouth- Walking on the Sun
  • Duran Duran- Hungry Like The Wolf
  • Paul Simon- Call Me Al
  • Wang Chung- Everybody Have Fun
  • Spin Doctors- Two Princes

My playlist today was inspired by two things, 1.) I woke up feeling great, and 2.) pop music is intruding on my life, I cannot escape the american idol pop sensation...William Hung. Yes I am talking about Civ E superstar William "She Bangs" Hung. A charismatic singer with no professional training and as many have seen in his video excerpts, "no regrets". Okay so he's terrible, but you've got to give him credit for being super ballsy and for being/playing ignorant to the fact that the entire nation is mocking him. This guy is huge, just see how he fares on a google search. For a while he was the second highest rated story on MSN, hell, people in Idaho know who he is. William Hung, I salute you.

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